Moisture-loving ferns and grasses are the ideal plant partners for living walls in small, medium or large spaces
Texture Rich Ferns & Ornamental Grasses
In workplace surroundings, lush texture rich ferns and ornamental grasses help to create a calm, serene and restorative ambience.
Stunning Floral Displays That Thrive At Work
Fabulous ferns are excellent at filling in the spaces of your home display living wall. Their unique texture amplifies the elements of nature, creating a stunning visual impact.
Functional, versatile and decorative, ferns and grasses are a must-have addition to any sustainably green façade. The perennial natural grassland and cultivated species also includes cereals and bamboos.
Ferns and grasses transform an understated living wall into an exotic and ornamental feature. Their lush and intricate foliage creates an intriguing arrangement wherever it’s displayed. Plant a single specimen in your living wall, or group together with complementary species for colour and texture impact.
Be Inspired By These Vertical Gardens
Peaceful & Atmospheric Ambient Lighting
Automatically changing the bright light of your living wall to warmer white, in the evening, emulates the setting sun and creates a relaxing environment.
Nutrients & Moisture Irrigation System
Our innovative irrigation systems provide automatic watering and feeding for fern and grass laden living walls, in home and workplace environments.
Ready Made Fern & Grass Gardens
If you’re new to vertical gardening, we can help you choose the perfect ready made living wall for your environment. Our selection of beautiful ferns and grasses will provide colour, detail, ornamental embellishment, and an element of surprise.
Choose your favourite exotic houseplants, and we’ll take care of everything else.
Getting Creative With Your Lush Fern & Grass Living Wall
Ferns and grasses are ideal for adding colour accents and texture interest. Use these amazing, versatile plants for a woodland inspired living wall, or as neutral backdrops to plants that are highly coloured.
Pick your favourite flowering ferns and ornamental grasses from a colourful collection.
If you need some fresh ideas for fern and grass planting in your vertical garden, take a look at our inspiring Gallery.
Ferns & Grasses
Peace Lily
Striking white flowers and glossy leaves. Perfect for Growing Walls not in direct sun.
Monkey Mask
(Monstera adansonii)
Swiss cheese holes in leaves create spectacular patterns. Great for humid spots.
Spider Plant
(Chlorophytum comosum)
Variegated spiky leaves add texture to any design. Happy in a range of conditions.
Snake Plant
(Dracaena trifasciata)
Thick patterned foliage makes a striking addition to living walls. Easy care.
Wandering Jew
(Tradescantia zebrina)
Trailing plant with candy stripes or glittery foliage. Great for abundant looks.
String of Pearls
(Senecio rowleyanus)
Good enough to grace the neck of any Lady. Excellent for dry and bright spots.
Metallic Palm
(Chamaedorea metallca)
Tropical leaves with metallic sheen. Loves the steamy heat of bathrooms & kitchens.
Moth Orchids
Delicate flowers add intrigue and beauty. Ideal for bright, indirect light.
Prayer Plant
(Maranta leuconeura)
Herringbone leaves that lower at dawn and lift at dusk. A ‘wow’ factor plant!.
Hanging Satin Pothos
(Scindapsus pictus Argyraeus)
Heart shaped matte green leaves with silvery splotches and edge. Perfect for indirect light spots.
Chinese Money Plant
(Pilea Peperomioides)
Coin-shaped foliage thrives in medium bright indirect sunlight. Easy care and fast growing plant.
Rubber Plant
(Ficus elastica)
Impressive sturdy leaves with spans of up to 20cm. Fabulous for large walls.
Mistletoe Cacti
Tumbling cacti from the tropics. Comes in hairy-leaved or berry-bearing varieties.
Customise Your Natural Indoor Habitat
All of the planters that Growing Walls makes are completely customisable to your individual needs. Big or small, bold or elegant, we can make you a vertical planter system that is perfect for you.
When exploring the many species of ferns and grasses available for living wall display, it’s important to remember that they are fast growers.
The lighting system that you choose for your living wall can stimulate plant growth or create a relaxing mood – or both.
All of our innovative irrigation systems feature automated timing, so that you can relax and enjoy the scenery, or totally forget about watering your plants when you’re on holiday.
Our Living World full maintenance service takes the pressure out of caring for plants, when you have a long to-do list and a busy schedule.